We appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Help us make FlowReader even better. 

How do you Create Categories?

Kevin Rhoads 11 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 лет назад 0

I have not found a way of managing the categories listed on the left panel.  Only thing I can think of is to delete all my subscriptions and reimport from Google Reader (just redoing the import does not seem to work).

Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 лет назад

Hi Kevin, Thanks for the comment! Right now, we don't support creating your own categories. However, it is planned for an upcoming release, and we're hoping to have it ready for users by next week! 


View URL of a feed

Jan O 9 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 9 лет назад 4
I would like to see URL of a feed

Writing middle-eastern languages support!!

Babak Rezaie 11 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 лет назад 3
Any support for East-Asian languages to write from right to left? And when is it possible?

Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 лет назад
After a lot of discussion, the team has decided that it's not the right time for us to add support for writing or reading from right to left.

That being said, this is definitely something we'd like to be able to implement in the future! We're marking it has declined, but a better way to phrase it would be "Not Now". 

Thanks again for your suggestion! 

I would like to shared articles on Facebook must be public by default, not only to friends. Can You toggle or implement this?

Antonio Vandré Pedrosa Furtuna 9 лет назад обновлен Diana Bocco 9 лет назад 2



design as pins

Gerardo Chapa 11 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 лет назад 0

Design as pins and a summary.

PD: Nice job!

Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 лет назад

Hi Gerardo, This has been added to our longterm roadmap :) 


mobile version: how do I logout from the mobile version?

Frantisek Polach 10 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 лет назад 4
Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 лет назад
Hi Frantisek!

To log out in the mobile version:

  1. Click on the menu icon to open the left-hand menu.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Click Logout.
Here's a screenshot:

Hope this helps! 

Sound notification

anonymous 9 лет назад обновлен Diana Bocco 9 лет назад 6
It would be nice to have a sound notification about new post in reader when I have Flowreader opened at browser. When I have flowreader opened at another tab for example or minimalized browser window.
Diana Bocco 9 лет назад
Hey Antonin,

Great idea! I shared your suggestion with everyone, and we decided to add it to our roadmap. I don't have an ETA from the development team yet, but I'll be sure to update this request here as soon as it's ready.

If you have any other questions, just let me know. I'm always happy to help!

На рассмотрении

Some RSS items are adding repeately from yesterday.

Jiří Pavlíček 10 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 лет назад 6
Item "Android Phones For Dummies, 2nd Edition" from feed http://it-ebooks.info/ is adding repeately from yesterday - two times per hour.
Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 лет назад
Hi Jiri, 

We were able to fix this issue yesterday morning. Could you please check your account and let me know if you're still seeing duplicates in your feeds? 


it's best app to showing white pages (it don't show any feed)

Tomas Hegenbart 11 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 лет назад 0

I've only empty page for any my imported feed/group/category. What am I doing wrong? Do you have a some ideas?

Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 лет назад

Hi Tomas, Sorry to hear you're having problems. Did you use the Google Import or OPML/XML Import? 


Feed broken

Andreas Zwinkau 9 лет назад обновлен Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 9 лет назад 3
I want to subscribe to http://www.joachim-breitner.de/blog_feed.rss
Subscribing seems to work. The feed appears in my sidebar. However, it has no entries.
Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 9 лет назад
Hey Andreas,

Sorry about that! I'm sending this to the team right now to figure out what's going on.

I appreciate your patience and thanks for reporting this to us!

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