We appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Help us make FlowReader even better. 

I want to be able to read the subscriptions I want...

Stephane 11 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 years ago 4

I have inside a folder some subscriptions from Mashable, Wired and so on...

and all the feeds are mixed together what I don't want; I will like to be able to separate the feeds from Mashable and Wired like in Google Reader; there is your folder and inside it, you have a list of all your subscriptions and you can click on the one you want to read...


Hi Stephanie, Thanks for your request! I just wanted to let you know that currently you should be able to do this. 

Here's how: 

  1. Click on the > icon next to any category in the Reader section. 
  2. A window will pop up and you will see each single subscription that you have. 
  3. Select the subscription/feed you'd like to view alone. 

Hope this helps! 


Manual Refresh Button

grubber 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 3

I think it was the best way to solve the problems of Flowreader. From what I read on the forum it before there was a button. Can not you bring it back? You would do a huge gift to its users. Very please.


OPML import does not import uncategorized feeds

Tomáš Jacík 11 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 years ago 0
Hi Tomas, 

Sorry for the inconvenience! Your uncategorized feeds should be importing as well, so I'm sending a report to the developers this morning. If it's not too much trouble, could I also ask you to send me a copy of your OPML subscriptions? My email is: elle@wikidi.com 

Thanks! ~Elle 

Sign in drop down links not working in ipad

Royston Teo 11 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 years ago 0


Hi Royston, 

Sorry for the inconvenience. I have forwarded this issue to the developers and will speak with them this morning. I'll update you as soon as I know more. Thanks for your patience! 

UPDATE: Sign-in menu has been fixed - we apologize for the delay! We had some other pressing performance issues to deal with, but it has been fixed. Please let me know if you run into any trouble. Again, sorry for any inconvenience and thank you so much for your understanding. We really appreciate it! 


All news in one timeline from all sources

Martin Štekl 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 5
It would be nice to have some view to see all news from all sources in one timeline. I like merging of Facebook and RSS timelines but I have to use separate panel for Twitter. It would be more useful if you will add some other service, Google+ for example.
Thanks for the great ideas, Martin! I'm definitely going to share them with the rest of the team and see what they think!

We'd love to add more services, especially Google+, but unfortunately their API is very limited at the moment. As soon as it changes, we hope to be able to offer this option in FlowReader.

Do you mind me asking if you find it confusing to have Twitter in a separate panel on the same screen? 

Also, in regards to merging all news together in one place from all the sources - do you mean removing stories that have nothing to do with content items? i.e. Posts from your friends about their social activities.

Under review

Merging of news from many sources

Martin Štekl 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 4
Let's say I follow some account on Twitter and also on Facebook. Sometimes they differ but many posts are the same. The same article can be published on Facebook account and I can see it in RSS too.

I would like see only one entry in timeline with some possibility to show all variations. It would be useful within my other posted idea about one timeline for all news.
Thanks again for sharing your ideas! I'd like to ask you a couple more questions if you don't mind :). 

Do you mean that the news item would only be shown once with a note about other places it's been shared?

Or, would the item be shown on Facebook, Twitter, and RSS with the different source variations? 

I'm looking forward to hearing more! 

Can not add feeds individually?

Luiz Claudio Lins 11 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 years ago 0

Hi Luiz! 

You can add single feeds through in your Settings page: 

1) Paste your RSS URL in the "Add subscription" box 

2) Select a category 

3) Click Add 

This is the only way to add single feeds currently. However, we are working on a faster way to add new content to your reader, which should be available very soon. 




Lost rss feed

Rafał Puka 9 years ago updated by Diana Bocco 9 years ago 5

For some time rss feed natemat.pl missing. Flowreader displays the entries from the RSS feed, but does not show it on the list of feeds. Can you see the attached picture:

Image 20

Link to the feeds: http://natemat.pl/rss/wszystkie

Thanks so much for you suggestion - that's a great idea!

At the moment, the spacebar is used to scroll down the page.

You can go to the next item using the keyboard shortcut J. To get started, just click on the item you'd like to start with and press J and you can view the next item. If you'd like to go back to the last item you viewed, use K.

These shortcuts work everywhere in FlowReader, not just the Reader tab.

Do these shortcuts work sufficiently for what you had in mind? And are there any other shortcuts that you'd like to see us add? I'm still definitely going to bring your request up with the team for discussion.


Hi Vickie, 

Let me start by apologizing for the problems, and I completely understand your frustration! We are currently experiencing an internal bug that is causing feeds to duplicate and push to the wrong accounts. So, the problem you are experiencing is most likely connected to this issue. Our developers have been working on this problem all morning and we hope to have it fixed soon. We realize the seriousness of the issue and have made it our number one priority! Thank you for your message and I apologize again. We appreciate your patience and understanding! 

UPDATE: This problem should be fixed now. Please contact me at elle@wikidi.com if you're still experiencing problems. Thanks again for your patience!