We appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Help us make FlowReader even better. 

Twitter feed isn't loading

Rytis K. 7 year бұрын жаңартылды 7 year бұрын 2

Under Twitter feed the loading animation is shown continuously for a couple of days now


login using code fails

mark 7 year бұрын updated by a2brute 6 year бұрын 1

...getting redirected to a "Webpage not available" url on my OnePlus One android phone, using the Flowreader app version I donwloaded today from the app store


An error when trying to see the feeds

triampurum 7 year бұрын updated by Diana Bocco 7 year бұрын 5
Under review

Settings are not saved permanently

Dino Conte 8 year бұрын updated by Diana Bocco 8 year бұрын 1

Unfortunately, the settings in Flowreader (such as sort order and view) are not saved. After terminating the Android app or even on the desktop, after terminating the browser session, the settings are discarded, and you have to set them again. These should be permanently linked to the account settings.

Image 63


Feed URL broken

Dino Conte 8 year бұрын 0

The following feed does not work, it is updated almost every day. Flowreader displays old data (> 3 months):



Display "moving GIFs" in preview

chipiik 8 year бұрын updated by Diana Bocco 8 year бұрын 1

It would be great to display moving GIFs in preview of the article on your web. Some articles are e.g. just about one moving GIF and it's annoying if one has to reopen it in new window to see the GIF moving.


Refresh messages not displayed on home page

Barbuslex 8 year бұрын updated by Diana Bocco 8 year бұрын 5


This refresh messages "X new articles" and "X new tweets" no longer appear at the top of the page in home page.

Now, I need to complete refresh the page with F5 to see the new articles/tweets.

Thanks to fix it



việt 8 year бұрын 0
Under review

False advertising ?

Laven Pillay 8 year бұрын updated by Diana Bocco 8 year бұрын 1

Hi, in addition to my own comment, I've also found a Feedback comment with the same point from over a year ago.

Over a year - and you have not updated your info.

Your frontpage says this :

All Your Favorite Sources

FlowReader is a simpler, faster way to manage your online content. Add your favorite social networks like YouTube or Twitter, import your feeds, and start enjoying all your updates in a single flow.

That appears to be a lie since there are no options to add multiple feeds to the "single flow" - I ONLY see the option for Twitter.

This NON-EXISTENT feature is the ONLY reason I came to this site.

Very disappointing to find it was not true because I'd thought FlowReader looked like a professional offering.

Diana Bocco 8 year бұрын

Hi there,

Thank you for the message. What are you trying to add that isn't working? You should be able to add blogs and YouTube into your feed, for example. Is that not working for you? Or are you trying to add something else?

- Diana


Facebook login error

Laven Pillay 8 year бұрын жаңартылды 8 year бұрын 3

Getting the following error when attempting to connect Facebook :

Login error: Cannot connect to Facebook. Try it again, please!

Note : It did query FB and ask for permissions etc., so there was clearly a working connection for those steps.