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Author name in RSS feed

janpecha 4 years ago 0

Hello :) It would be nice if you show author name in RSS feed. Currently I see only feed name, post title, date & post preview. For example for Nette Forum feed it would be very useful.



Being able to post to Blogger/e-mailing would make me ditch my current rss reader

destroyerlxxvii 4 years ago 0

Very impressed so far with the set-up


Can you please explain you pricing policy?

flowreader 4 years ago updated by Diana Bocco 4 years ago 1

I don't see it anywhere. You don't say that it is free (and will stay free) either. So, for me, this looks like a trap more than anything else.


For the past 2 days, every time I mark posts as read, they return to unread after a few seconds.

leon johnson 5 years ago updated by Diana Bocco 5 years ago 1

For the past 2 days, every time I mark posts as read, they return to unread after a few seconds.


Need login unique to Flowreader. I don't want to share my other credentials.

k jake 5 years ago 0

Why doesn't Flowreader offer login credentials unique to Flowreader?


"Saved for later" no longer keeps saved items long enough for high volume feeds (an expiry warning would help)

pennyguin 5 years ago 0

I used to have a longer list of "Saved for later" items that I would occasionally refer back to. It was useful when I could see the feed item details in flow reader, even if the external source had expired (e.g. job ads containing a company name that could be useful in future job searches). For months now, my more recently saved items have been disappearing before I have a chance to come back and take notes. The only saved items I still have are months-old blog posts from low-volume feeds. Please let me keep my saved items until I am finished with them, or otherwise provide a warning message for when items are likely to expire.


Move unsubscribe buttons, and add confirmation.

Moti Mendelovich 5 years ago 0

Im getting Double posts

MaxTheSpy 5 years ago 0

With a lot of my feeds like Forbs, Cnet, and TechCrunch Im getting double headlines that are exactly the same and ITs blowing up the feed.


How do I find the RSS feed link?

neliahgj 5 years ago 0