We appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Help us make FlowReader even better. 

Facebook and twitter update problem

Vašek Brychta hace 10 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 10 años 3
It's a bit weird and the exact behavior differs case from case. But the updates are downloaded very rarely and sometimes are not downloaded at all. The manual button doesn't work either.

One case is as follows:
When I log out and log in, after about five minutes the updates downloads. Next download of updates is about an hour later and nothing more (not even after next two hours). I must log out and log in again and wait about five minutes to get new items.
Hi Vasek! 

Sorry to hear you're having issues. I'm forwarding this report to the team now, and I'll update this as soon as I know more. 

Thanks for your patience! 

UPDATE: Our developers are aware of the problem and working to fix it. It's a longer standing issue that we've been trying to solve so I apologize for any inconvenience! 

Simply display feeds in collapsible list under headings on the left?

Cledwyn Jones hace 11 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 11 años 1

Any way to just show a collapsible list of feeds under the headings on the left, rather then the multi-column pop-over, a la google reader? Otherwise, great work!


Hi Cledwyn,
We're glad to here you like it! I will add this to list of suggestions/feedback that is up for review. Thanks for the feedback! :) 

UPDATE: Feeds are now available in a drop-down list below each category! :)

Right to left texts isn't supported!!!

Alireza Mahmudi hace 11 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 10 años 3
All of the RTL texts is showing in LTR direction!!!
UPDATE: After a lot of discussion, the team has decided that it's not the right time for us to add support for right to left texts. However, it's something we'd like to consider for the future and it's definitely not off the table. 


Unable to delete category

Martin Wiso hace 10 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 10 años 4
I am not able to delete category (empty one) from Settings.

Browser Extensions Or Browser Applications

Andrew Adams hace 11 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 10 años 3

I have notice that most other rss feeds service have browser extensions or at least browser applications that redirect them to the rss feeds website from the applications. Also the browser extensions has a feed counter on how many of the feeds from website or blog have been unread or have just been added. I just like to suggest if it not already in development for a browser extensions or a browser applications for browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox.

Hi Andrew, 

Nice to hear from you again and great suggestion. I've added it to the list for the team to discuss and I'll update this as I find out more. We really appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas with us! 


No politicis

Justin Strachan hace 9 años actualizado por Diana Bocco hace 9 años 2
Need political news bundle

Ability to mark topics as read without clicking

Robert Clark hace 11 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 11 años 0

In list view it is quite easy to read an article without actually clicking on it. It would be great if after say 10 seconds or some amount of time the topic was marked as read instead of having to actually click on an article in order to achieve this.

Hi Robert, thanks! Others have made similar requests and we are putting it up for review :) 

UPDATE: After a lot of discussion with the team, we have decided not to implement this feature. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Clicking on a feed shows items for all feeds, not just the one in that category

Scott Carnegie hace 11 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 11 años 0
Clicking on a feed shows items for all feeds, not just the one in that category

Thanks for letting us know Scott! I've marked it down as a bug for our developers to take a look at. Sorry for any inconvenience. 


Add GET resource to add URL to use e.g. "RSS Subscription Extension"

chipiik hace 10 años actualizado por Diana Bocco hace 9 años 4
Add GET resource to add URL to use e.g. "RSS Subscription Extension" or publish your API doc if it already exists.

Read and Compact view is the same. I'm on Firefox, Linux

Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov hace 9 años actualizado por Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) hace 9 años 2
Read and Compact view is the same. I'm on Firefox, Linux