We appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Help us make FlowReader even better. 

Mobile Devices And Mobile Applications

Andrew Adams 12 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 years ago 2

I know these features might be plan for future update to Flowreader or in development now but i couldn't find anyone else that suggest these idea so i though i post a suggestion myself to make it know through out the community of Flowreader user. So i would like to suggest even if it is in development i still like to suggest a more optimized version of Flowreader on mobile devices mostly the mobile browser basicly it is like ever other rss feed reader on a mobile devices when look up the website it just pull up the full site so i would like to suggest a more mobile friendly version of Flowreader on most of the mobile browser for example: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera and any of the other popular or most used browser on mobile devices. I have also notice that a lot of other service already have or have in development the mobile applications for both Android and IOS devices so that i what i also like to suggest even if it plan for the future or in development now i like to suggest it since other rss feed reader service are do it as well. I just really want to make these idea know because i know i am not the only that really want to read all of there feed through the regular website desktop and when their away for there laptop or desktop computer would like keep track of there feed on the go from any device. 

Hi Andrew, Thanks for the comment! We are working hard to optimize the mobile site to make it easier for our users while we work on our API and apps. 
Would you also be interested in using a client service before we had a native app? It is an option we are currently considering, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
Thanks again!


We're putting the finishing touches on our mobile version :) FlowReader should now be optimized for all your devices. 

Our API is still a work-in-progress and while native apps our in our long-term roadmap, they're not a main priority at the moment. 
Under review

Delayed posts in some feeds

FRuser 10 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 years ago 1
Articles in some posts will load after a few minutes, several or even several hours of delay. And it even does not apply frequently updated news portals but also ordinary blogs. It is extremely annoying because I often leave me important events. In other RSS readers everything is working properly. Please fix it, because I even wonder about the abandonment FlowReader to another RSS reader.

PS: If I may ask in this post; What announced over a year ago mobile applications?

504 gateway time-out error

Bop 9 years ago updated by Diana Bocco 9 years ago 3
Are others seeing this? Since yesterday, I keep getting a 504 gateway time-out error on flowreader. Refresh doesn't usually work. It just loads for several minutes then throws up the error. From time to time it will load the page, but then the error kicks in again if I refresh. Occasionally it says that there are no feeds or pages in my group, but that's not possible because it includes feeds like the bbc that update constantly. Also, if I refresh, then they show back up again briefly. This is happening on my homepage and subfeeds. I'm on a unviersity LAN connection in the Netherlands that is fine except on flowreader.com. Thanks.


flowreader.com didn't fetch feeds

Jiří Pavlíček 10 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 years ago 10
Feeds didn't fetched new items. Newest items are 20h old. Now it 2014-10-09 8:48 CEST.
Hey there,

Hope you're well! I wanted to ask you again if you could send me your User ID from FlowReader: http://flowreader.com/user/info? Also, if you have time, could you also send us a screenshot of the connected apps from your Twitter account? We haven't been able to recreate the same problem, so it would be really helpful for the development team.


Some items from RSS are missing

chipiik 10 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 years ago 4
RSS feed source http://java.cz/rss-2.0/articles.do
Image 8
Image 9

3 articles are missing.

This is for me a blocker of flowreader usage.
A quick update about this problem: We think this issue is connected with feeds that do not publish new content with a time. The team is making a few changes to our algorithm, which should fix this problem! 

Add Hacker News/YCombinator support

David Allix 12 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 11 years ago 0

It will be really great if you can add this feature, in a similar way of hckrnews.com.


Thanks for the suggestion, David! I will add this to the list for our team to review :) Have a great day! 


At this time, the team doesn't feel that it will be able to add specific sorting support (like the requested Hacker News / YCombinator). However, if you still want to use FlowReader and receive their news - here's their feed: https://news.ycombinator.com/rss :D Sorry for any inconvenience! 

Hi Mosey, 

Thanks so much for the thorough description and great ideas from the whole Flow Team! We really appreciate it. 

~ Elle 

UPDATE: Our redesign incorporates some of the suggested ideas! :) More to come! 
Under review

Notifications in browser

Rafał Puka 9 years ago updated by Diana Bocco 9 years ago 1
I suggest you create an extension for popular Web browsers that will display notifications of new posts in the reader. Users will not have to constantly open a new tab with Flowreader to see if there are new posts.

Google Reader feed list import failed to import anything

Mel Mil 12 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 12 years ago 0
I use 2-step authentication on my Google account.
It seems you can't import my feeds - I have an empty list.

Hi, I apologize for any inconvenience. I don't think the 2-step authentication is causing the problem. Most likely, it is some other problem from our end. I've sent the issue over to the developers and they are taking a look now. I'll email you as soon as I know more. Thanks for your patience!


Invalid file type, we accept only ZIP and XML files (OPML import)

Syn Zla 10 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 years ago 3
I am trying to import opml file from newsblur, there seems to be no problem inside, but flowreader wont accept it
Hey Syn,

Sorry about that! I've passed on the issue to the team, so I'll let you know as soon as they've had a chance to take a look.

I appreciate your patience and thanks very much for taking the time to report this to us!


This issue should be fixed now! Let me know if you're still having issues with the file. Thanks for your patience!