Merging of news from many sources
I would like see only one entry in timeline with some possibility to show all variations. It would be useful within my other posted idea about one timeline for all news.

Do you mean that the news item would only be shown once with a note about other places it's been shared?
Or, would the item be shown on Facebook, Twitter, and RSS with the different source variations?
I'm looking forward to hearing more!

Can not add feeds individually?

Hi Luiz!
You can add single feeds through in your Settings page:
1) Paste your RSS URL in the "Add subscription" box
2) Select a category
3) Click Add
This is the only way to add single feeds currently. However, we are working on a faster way to add new content to your reader, which should be available very soon.

Lost rss feed
For some time rss feed natemat.pl missing. Flowreader displays the entries from the RSS feed, but does not show it on the list of feeds. Can you see the attached picture:
Link to the feeds: http://natemat.pl/rss/wszystkie

In the old google reader, spacebar worked as "show me next item", it would be nice if it worked also here.

At the moment, the spacebar is used to scroll down the page.
You can go to the next item using the keyboard shortcut J. To get started, just click on the item you'd like to start with and press J and you can view the next item. If you'd like to go back to the last item you viewed, use K.
These shortcuts work everywhere in FlowReader, not just the Reader tab.
Do these shortcuts work sufficiently for what you had in mind? And are there any other shortcuts that you'd like to see us add? I'm still definitely going to bring your request up with the team for discussion.

Hi Vickie,
Let me start by apologizing for the problems, and I completely understand your frustration! We are currently experiencing an internal bug that is causing feeds to duplicate and push to the wrong accounts. So, the problem you are experiencing is most likely connected to this issue. Our developers have been working on this problem all morning and we hope to have it fixed soon. We realize the seriousness of the issue and have made it our number one priority! Thank you for your message and I apologize again. We appreciate your patience and understanding!
UPDATE: This problem should be fixed now. Please contact me at elle@wikidi.com if you're still experiencing problems. Thanks again for your patience!

Keyboard shortcuts?
Where are the keyboard shortcuts? Does it have any? Need them with all the feeds. Please

Hi Lonnie, Thanks for the question. We are expecting to have basic keyboard shortcuts ready some time this week!
UPDATE: Keyboard shortcuts are now there. However, the function is currently backwards. We will be fixing it today!

How to see in the reader which account I used for login ?

Hopefully I can help you figure this out! Whichever account you chose to log in with should be automatically connected to FlowReader.
You can visit your Settings page in order to see what account has been connected. You can also connect additional accounts in the same page, and also import your OPML file here.
To access your Settings page you can:
- Click your account tab in the top-right corner and select Settings.
- Click Add content in the left column.
Here's a screenshot of the Settings page:

I hope this helps answer your question. Let me know if this wasn't what you were looking for and I'll do my best to help you figure it out.
Thanks so much for your patience! I really appreciate it.
~ Elle

How do I delete posts saved for later?

Social Media Services Integration

how do you search for new feeds?
how do you search for new subscriptions by subject? it's kinda like g-reader, but it's the similarities that are pissing me off when I think I should be able to do something w the feed only to learn I can't. C'mon.... it can't be that much more work to get these issues ironed out, can it???

Hi Shawn,
Thanks for your feedback. I apologize for any inconvenience. I completely understand, and we are doing our best to improve our application based on what we hear from our users.
We have been working very hard on some pressing performance issues, but we are planning to release some new features in the coming weeks that will hopefully help with some of the feature frustration you're feeling! We hear you, and I assure you the team has been reviewing all the suggestions and will be making changes accordingly.
Thanks so much for your patience and for sharing your feedback with us! We really appreciate it.
UPDATE: We've added Suggestions to give users ideas for feeds they can add by category topic. This tab can be found permanently in your left hand side menu. Suggestions will also be displayed automatically when you don't have any feeds added in your Reader.
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