"A feed could not be found at url" error for FeedBurner feeds
It appears that Flow Reader is currently having issues consuming feeds published via FeedBurner.
I have noticed that a couple of the sites I read have not received feed updates in the last couple of days, despite the sites themselves having new content. Today, I went to add Ars Technica UK's feed, and got the following error:
A feed could not be found at url "http://feeds.feedburner.com/ArsTechnicaUk".
I tried copying the URL of an existing FeedBurner-based feed, and adding that to a different category. I get the same error.
A feed could not be found at url "http://feeds.feedburner.com/eset/blog".
Given that FeedBurner is a popular choice for publishing feeds, Flow Reader really needs to work with it correctly.
Some of my rss feeds haven't updated - HELP!!!
The problem I noticed yesterday. At the beginning of the concerned one channel rss, who did not update a week. Today I noticed that the problem took at least some rss feeds. I ask for urgent help, because for me it is extremely inconvenient. I follow many websites and with each day of delay have a backlog.
ID: 54d6cb5c91254188528b456d
My reader is suddenly empty
all my RSS feeds have suddenly been removed, but categories are intact. The only thing new is that I loaded it up on my Macbook but I've done this before with no probs. Now every RSS feed is missing.
Uncaught ReferenceError
Your website is broken for me. It still show me error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: OrderedMap is not defined, u.value @ build.js?md5=7ea27f3…:33build.js?md5=7ea27f3…:7 Uncaught ReferenceError: OrderedMap is not defined
google account connect
Cannot get my google or youtube account connected.. it says it is already connected but it isnot.
Support for touch devices
Please check support for scrolling the page on touch devices. On my windows 10 tablet is not possible to scroll the page down.
after i rename a feed, it reverts back
after i rename a feed, it reverts back when i add a new feed
i have feeds that are similarly named, and i need to be able to differeniate between them
i see an old post: "Rename feed" doesn't work from a year ago that is labeled "fixed" and voting is disallowed
i am a newbie here ... otherwise flowreader is good, but this could be enough to drive me away
Problem with moving feeds across categories
Sorry to hear you're having problems and for any inconvenience! This issue appears to be a bug in our interface, and the team is working to solve it.
In the meantime, you could try zooming your page out and moving feeds this way. I know it's not ideal, but only thing I can think to help you get all those feeds into the right place :)
I will do my best to keep you updated! Sorry for the delay.
Page does not load
Thanks for your report! We're aware of this problem and the team is already working on it :).
Let me know if you have any more questions or issues!
Quick correction: The bug is being caused by a new behavior of history in Chrome 34 that affects all users across all platforms.
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