
Hi Donato - Sorry for the inconvenience. Could I ask you what account you used to sign into FlowReader? I am working on getting you an answer as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!

All feeds aren't being displayed here. Just a white page appears at the main div.
I'm using ubuntu linux 12.10, tried both firefox and chromium (newest versions).
I'm looged in flowreader with my google+ account.

I am having the same problem. I signed in with google then added my twitter/facebook. Chrome on a mac.
EDIT: to clarify, the phone app does show reader items
EDIT 2: reader works in safari, facebook and twitter still don't work

Hi! I have just realized that perhaps not everyone has been receiving the updates I've made at the top of this page. Please contact me today if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks and I apologize for the confusion!
1) The Flow Reader Android app is not currently affiliated with our company, which is the reason why you are unable to sync with our web app. The Facebook and Twitter issue should be resolved. Please try logging out and signing back in to check and contact me if you're still having the same problem.
2) The Facebook and Twitter issue should be resolved. Please try logging out and signing back in to check and contact me if you're still having the same problem.

I'm having the same problem. I signed in with my google account. I'm currently using Chrome on windows 7.

I am trying to import my Google reader account, but it's been "loading" for a half hour. I see a few feeds are in on the left side, but it's unusable and I can't read any of those feeds anyway. I am using Chrome in Windows 7 64 bit. Thanks

For anyone still having this problem if you are using chrome try a different browser.

Aaron, still not working for me (newest stable firefox, dunno what version). TRied ctrl+f5 few times. =D

Hi guys, sorry for the problem! I am working on finding out an answer from our team and will update this as soon as I hear what's going on. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience!

Same problem using Firefox - though I do have a lot of feeds. All of my folders showed up right away on the left side but I have only a white blank page in the center.

Same problem using Chrome on Mac OS 10.8.4. Reader & Facebook feed is blank, Twitter is working though.

Hi! I have just realized that perhaps not everyone has been receiving the updates I've made at the top of this page. Please contact me today if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks and I apologize for the confusion!

Hi! I have just realized that perhaps not everyone has been receiving the updates I've made at the top of this page. Please contact me today if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks and I apologize for the confusion!

Hi Donato - Sorry for the inconvenience. Could I ask you what account you used to sign into FlowReader? I am working on getting you an answer as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!

Také se mi neaktualizují feedy. Poslední nový příspěvek mám 23 hodin starý...
Přihlašuji se přes Google, v Chrome.

Flowreader isn't showing any of my feeds. I'm signed in through Google and using IE

Hi! I have just realized that perhaps not everyone has been receiving the updates I've made at the top of this page. Please contact me today if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks and I apologize for the confusion!

Hi Donato - Sorry for the inconvenience. Could I ask you what account you used to sign into FlowReader? I am working on getting you an answer as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!

Hi Donato - Sorry for the inconvenience. Could I ask you what account you used to sign into FlowReader? I am working on getting you an answer as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE: This problem should be stabilized now. Please contact me at if the problem is still present on your account. Thanks for your patience!

Flowreader didnt import any of my google feeds and doesn show any new. Works only twitter and fb feeds. Using chrome.

Hi Tomas, The developers are looking at your account now, and we are trying to find out what the problem is. I will update you by email very soon. Thanks for your patience!

Just signed up, Twitter and Facebook work but none of my RSS feeds show up after I log in with my google info. In on IE9.

Hi Scott, The developers are looking at your account now, and we are trying to find out what the problem is. I will update you by email very soon. Thanks for your patience!

Hi Donato - Sorry for the inconvenience. Could I ask you what account you used to sign into FlowReader? I am working on getting you an answer as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE: This problem should be stabilized now. Please contact me at if the problem is still present on your account. Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE: Please try the following before contacting me.
1) Log out of your account
2) Sign in to import feeds
3) Wait 2-3 minutes
4) Refresh page
If you are still not seeing anything, please contact me at Thank you!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Donato - Sorry for the inconvenience. Could I ask you what account you used to sign into FlowReader? I am working on getting you an answer as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE: This problem should be stabilized now. Please contact me at if the problem is still present on your account. Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE: Please try the following before contacting me.
1) Log out of your account
2) Sign in to import feeds
3) Wait 2-3 minutes
4) Refresh page
If you are still not seeing anything, please contact me at Thank you!