
nezobrazují se mi žádné zprávy ve složkách (OS X, Safari i Chrome) :-/

Štěpán Svoboda 12 year бұрын updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 12 year бұрын 0

Nezobrazují se mi žádné zprávy ve "složkách" (OS X 10.8, Safari i Chrome). 

Nefunguje to ani když vyberu konkrétní zdroj ze složky.



Hi Stepan, Sorry for the problem and inconvenience! I've alerted our developers to the problem and hopefully we'll have an answer for you soon! 

UPDATE: This problem should be solved now. You should be able to view RSS feeds and any social media account feeds now. Please contact me at elle@wikidi.com if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks for your patience!

Under review

Hi Stepan, Sorry for the problem and inconvenience! I've alerted our developers to the problem and hopefully we'll have an answer for you soon! 


Hi Stepan, Sorry for the problem and inconvenience! I've alerted our developers to the problem and hopefully we'll have an answer for you soon! 

UPDATE: This problem should be solved now. You should be able to view RSS feeds and any social media account feeds now. Please contact me at elle@wikidi.com if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks for your patience!