
Mark as read while scrolling

Jose Bustillo 12 years ago updated by WiredFire 5 years ago 8
Good idea to implement Mark as read as I scroll through my feed.


Hi Jose, Thanks so much for the suggestion! Just a quick question to make it clear for us: do you mean that is should auto-mark as you scroll? 

UPDATE: After some consideration, our team has decided that we will not implement this feature at this time. Thanks very much for your suggested!
Under review

Hi Jose, Thanks so much for the suggestion! Just a quick question to make it clear for us: do you mean that is should auto-mark as you scroll? 

Yes, maybe by setting a specific time (i.e. after 2 seconds over the item it will automatically mark as read), or just by moving the pointer over the item.

Hi Jose, Thanks so much for the suggestion! Just a quick question to make it clear for us: do you mean that is should auto-mark as you scroll? 
Hi Jose, Thanks so much for the suggestion! Just a quick question to make it clear for us: do you mean that is should auto-mark as you scroll? 

UPDATE: After some consideration, our team has decided that we will not implement this feature at this time. Thanks very much for your suggested!

Inoreader has this function now and really helpful for keeping the left place. Mark items as read when you scroll past them would be nice. Would you please reconsider this function? Thank you!

Mark as read while scrolling is a pretty basic function of any RSS reader/handler. Are we supposed to keep track of where we left off reading in every single subscription?

A very common function in almost any RSS reader.  Flow reader really should be thinking through this use case.  Having 999+ articles in multiple categories, who wants to click on each one to mark them as read?  And how often does someone read all headlines/previews to mark them all as read?

Not really flowing through my feeds with flowreader.  This is a deal breaker for me.

I agree with Randy - it's impossible to use a news reader without this feature.  Flowreader looks nice, but it's unusable without mark as read on scroll.