
Top shared twitter stories

Matthew H 10 years ago updated by Elle Sidell (Community Manager ) 10 years ago 2
It would be great to have a section called "Shared stories", under the interactions twitter section, that just lists the most shared stories from my twitter feed. The Digg reader has a similar section called digg deeper: "With Digg Deeper, we’re taking that one step further by alerting you to the best stories coming straight from the people and sources you trust most, starting with those you follow on Twitter."

The app Nuzzle also aims to "Discover the top news stories shared by your friends on Facebook and Twitter, without being overwhelmed or missing anything."

This would allow me to quickly scan the news on twitter, without having to scroll through all the noise and individual tweets and replies.




Hey Matt,

Thanks so much for your suggestion! This is something we'd really like to see added as well to FlowReader. We've been making some big changes to how FlowReader runs behind-the-scenes, and we're hoping to turn our attention to adding more features such as Shared Stories going forward.

I'll do my best to keep you posted!

Many thanks again for sharing this with us - we really appreciate it.

Have a great day!
Hey Matt,

Thanks so much for your suggestion! This is something we'd really like to see added as well to FlowReader. We've been making some big changes to how FlowReader runs behind-the-scenes, and we're hoping to turn our attention to adding more features such as Shared Stories going forward.

I'll do my best to keep you posted!

Many thanks again for sharing this with us - we really appreciate it.

Have a great day!