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Shortened Links are blocked blocked at work

Bill Baltrus 6 лет назад обновлен 6 лет назад 2

Why are the links masked when you view them they are not the same as the words. This causes issues at work because the links are blocked, but the underlying visible link is not

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Hi there, 

Can you take a screenshot of this? We're not seeing this issue from our side so want to make sure I understand the problem correctly. 


- Diana 

The hover link is https://t.c/wcNYjaZLQ which is a masked short link.  The article link is phlunion.co/2018IBXPotY which takes you to: https://www.philadelphiaunion.com/2018-player-year

My companhttps://www.philadelphiaunion.com/2018-player-yeary blocks the short link when I click it

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