I cannot open new rss feed in new tab of browser in one click!

Lenor de Consuelo Moliano 8 years ago updated by a2brute 5 years ago 1


There were changes in workflow of the app.

Current workflow are:

1. Open Home page.

2. Tap any rss feed.

It was before:

Rss feed opens in new tab of browser.


Rss feed is expanded in the Flowreader app.

So i cannot open rss feed in new tab of browser in one click as it was before. It is so frustrated.

Now I shoud make the first tap on rss feed to expand it, the second tap is to open rss feed in new tab, the third tap is to collapse expanded rss feed to see other unread feeds.

Please return the possibility to open rss feed in new tab of browser in one click! It is too important for daily using.

Thank you.

I am using the Flowreader in latest Safari browser of the iPad.

I *want* FlowReader to open it in the app, not in a browser tab, and it will not do that.