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google account connect

Nestro Vixhyr vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Sven Hoekstra vor 8 Jahren 10

Cannot get my google or youtube account connected.. it says it is already connected but it isnot.

Wird überprüft

Can you please give us your User ID (located here: http://flowreader.com/user/info) and we'll take a look at your account. Thanks! - Diana


Hello nobody still cannot connect ..... changed my userame recently new id is 56ee9a4a724b769d428b4875

400. That’s an error.

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

Application: FlowReader.com

You can email the developer of this application at:illich@gmail.com

The redirect URI in the request, https://flowreader.com/google/login, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. Visit https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/575606427737-tko03r2568koj3tdsrmj7uka64ts1mje.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=575606427737 to update the authorized redirect URIs.

and now i get the error again that there is already account connected but doesnot show up... strange bug

wtf all other social account seem te be connected but it does not say so and there is nothing to see on the feed

only my facebook account works were i login with

Oke only if im logged in with google i can see youtube in flowreader but if im logged in with facebook it gives me the error above


Hi Sven,

Thank you for the message. Are you still experiencing this issue? We fixed a problem on the feed yesterday and you should be able to log in now. If you're still having problems, please let us know and we'll look into it!



i dont have problems logging in ... if im logged trought facebook i wonna connect youtube and twitter but get message account already connected but it isnot. .... If im logged in through google i can connect twitter and youtube but no facebook.