Your comments

Thanks for letting me know. We had a bug in the system yesterday but it has now been fixed, so that could be why you are unable to reproduce the problem. Please let me know if you run into any issues again. Thanks! - Diana

Hi Sven,

Thank you for the message. Are you still experiencing this issue? We fixed a problem on the feed yesterday and you should be able to log in now. If you're still having problems, please let us know and we'll look into it!



Hi Jan,

Thank you for the message and for letting us know about the issue. It should be fixed now, but please let us know if you're still experiencing problems.


You're welcome! Let me know if you need anything else!

- Diana

Glad to hear you're enjoying FlowReader!

We had a small issue this morning that was preventing people from connecting through their Google account. This has been resolved so please try again.

Thanks and let me know if you have any other questions!

- Diana

Glad to hear you're enjoying the new feature! -- Diana

Can you please give us your User ID (located here: and we'll take a look at your account. Thanks! - Diana

Thanks for letting us know. We'll take a look and update this thread soon.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. If you give us your user ID (located here: we'll take a look at the issue. In the meantime, you can also try deleting the feed and adding it again. That sometimes fixes the problem.

Just a quick update to let you know we're working on this and it should be available soon. Thank you for the suggestion!